Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Whether the weather....

It has been far too long since my last blog. Let me clue you in.
The show has been amazing. My fellow Greasers and I have enjoyed this incredible run, but... I can only speak for myself. Someone recently told me that, no matter what age you are... at some point in musical theatre, you WILL do Grease. Can they actually say that this experience is the same as the others? Fuck no! Perhaps it is one of those, "been there, done that", musicals but have you ever done it like this? I do not think that it will ever be done quite like this again.
On that note, when did it become acceptable that all theatre productions should mirror the previous ones? I mean sure, you can play it safe and do Grease just as it has been done EVERY TIME before. How fucking boring! I mean does no one know any of us by now? Do we NOT prove to you that real talent has balls and guts????
Our Grease is probably the most interesting piece of theatre that I have actually had the privilege of being apart of. Scott Miller took us all under his wing and led us to create a timeless piece of theatre that is sooo completely misunderstood in this time.
My biggest question is not whether or not you were pleased by our performance, but more so if you think we actually gave a shit. Listen, if you want "poppy" everyday, predictable story lines, then by all means........ STAY HOME AND WATCH THE MOVIE!!!! But if you want intrigue and creativity, then come watch us do what we do best. (And by the way, if you cannot tell the grammatical difference between whether and weather or then and than, well thats not my fucking problem)

Whether the weather is cold....
Whether the weather is hot....
We'll do this production....
Whatever the weather....
Whether you like us or not!

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