Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Dancin Fever!

So, now we have almost the entire show choreographed minus "All Choked Up". Scott and I are sooo excited about our dance freestyle parts! We get tapped out second to last so we are gonna have to think of somethin pretty nifty that keeps us in the contest for TEN EIGHT COUNTS! They go by pretty fast though. I have given myself a mad shin splint on my left shin. Its feeling much better today but oddly enough, it only gets really bad whenever we work on the stroll. Hmmmm..... I'm hoping that it has decided to go away. Yesterday we ran act II. I did OK on knowing my lines. Tonight I will have to re look at act one for tomorrow. Hey Greasers!!! Lets play tomorrow night after rehearsal!


Sunday, January 28, 2007

Dont go to dance rehearsal hungover....

Ok so yesterday was my friend Mark's 30th birthday and wouldn't ya know, I stayed out a little later than usual and ummm... tried to learn how to swing dance today completely hungover. Needless to say, Scott and I totally rock. The dancing is so much fun! Also, very tiresome. My whole body hurt today. On Friday, Kine, Erin, Katie and I all went to the Broadway Oyster Bar. It was tons of fun and we really got to do some bonding. I just heart bonding! (Oysters aren't so bad either) The prom scene is totally gonna rock and I know that Frenchy really loves to dance especially cause Doody totally gropes her and its awesome! Tomorrow we have more prom scene dancing to do and I am anticipated being quite sore. But hey, its Grease!
I am still thinking a lot about Frenchy's back story. I think I have to change her last name and I am going to do some research on a good one for her. I totally love her first name, Francesca. I think its very fitting. So I plan to finish her back story tonight and post it either tomorrow or Tuesday.


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Passwords Suck

Ok people so I am so sorry for not having posted a blog until now but because of the fact that I have about a trillion passwords... ummm.. lets just say I sorta forgot this one. Yikes! Anyhoo.. its all under control now. Rehearsals are going so well. The first dance rehearsal was somewhat tiresome but the dance is so much fun that all I have to do is sing my heart out through it and everything will turn out great. The last dance rehearsal we had was Monday night. We choreographed "Freddy My Love" and "Beauty School Dropout". Freddy my love is so frickin cute now I just have to tone it down so it doesn't looked to rehearsed. Wow! I never realized how much abuse Frenchy takes from her teen angel! I don't know if he was quite what she was expecting but I guess the truth hurts. The number is so much fun though
I feel the love between and bonding in the show starting to take place. The girls are all going out for the oysters tomorrow night. (Sorry boyz! We love you but we gotta do some female bonding) Its gonna be a good time.
Already the language of the show is starting to change for me. Now, I just have to figure out how to play French cute, but sassy and real. I'm totally up for the challenge! Oh and I am planning to be off book by the end of this weekend.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

First Grease Week

OK so we just finished our first week of Grease rehearsals. I think it went pretty damn well! I can't believe that we will begin blocking this next week! Tomorrow we begin the choreography and I am super excited about this! I love to dance!
I am such a huge fan of Freddy My Love. The back up trio (that's me, Lainie and Katie) sounds fantastic. I think when the audience sees the four of us working this song... they're gonna totally understand why we're the pink ladies!
Nothing like being a slut and a sweetie at the same time huh? I just finished watching Tammy and the Bachelor last night. (Awesome movie! Scott, I don't know if you'll be gettin it back for a while ;) Tammy seems to be the kind of girl that Frenchy sees herself as. She IS Frenchy. But hey we all know that Frenchy has a little bit of bad girl inside! After all, she is a pink lady. So, how do I transform myself into a little sweet devil? Guess we'll just have to see... I know its in there somewhere!
