Sunday, January 28, 2007

Dont go to dance rehearsal hungover....

Ok so yesterday was my friend Mark's 30th birthday and wouldn't ya know, I stayed out a little later than usual and ummm... tried to learn how to swing dance today completely hungover. Needless to say, Scott and I totally rock. The dancing is so much fun! Also, very tiresome. My whole body hurt today. On Friday, Kine, Erin, Katie and I all went to the Broadway Oyster Bar. It was tons of fun and we really got to do some bonding. I just heart bonding! (Oysters aren't so bad either) The prom scene is totally gonna rock and I know that Frenchy really loves to dance especially cause Doody totally gropes her and its awesome! Tomorrow we have more prom scene dancing to do and I am anticipated being quite sore. But hey, its Grease!
I am still thinking a lot about Frenchy's back story. I think I have to change her last name and I am going to do some research on a good one for her. I totally love her first name, Francesca. I think its very fitting. So I plan to finish her back story tonight and post it either tomorrow or Tuesday.


1 comment:

siggsahoy said...

Hey Izzie! It's Matt Harding! How've you been? Lost track of you a long time ago and not sure what the best way to contact you would be. Glad to hear you're doing well and have fun with the show mama!



reach me @ that user name + hotmail . . . if'nyunto ;)