Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Passwords Suck

Ok people so I am so sorry for not having posted a blog until now but because of the fact that I have about a trillion passwords... ummm.. lets just say I sorta forgot this one. Yikes! Anyhoo.. its all under control now. Rehearsals are going so well. The first dance rehearsal was somewhat tiresome but the dance is so much fun that all I have to do is sing my heart out through it and everything will turn out great. The last dance rehearsal we had was Monday night. We choreographed "Freddy My Love" and "Beauty School Dropout". Freddy my love is so frickin cute now I just have to tone it down so it doesn't looked to rehearsed. Wow! I never realized how much abuse Frenchy takes from her teen angel! I don't know if he was quite what she was expecting but I guess the truth hurts. The number is so much fun though
I feel the love between and bonding in the show starting to take place. The girls are all going out for the oysters tomorrow night. (Sorry boyz! We love you but we gotta do some female bonding) Its gonna be a good time.
Already the language of the show is starting to change for me. Now, I just have to figure out how to play French cute, but sassy and real. I'm totally up for the challenge! Oh and I am planning to be off book by the end of this weekend.


Scott Tripp said...

Please get your days straight when blogging Isabel... its makes it very difficult to keep track of the order of events (hee hee).

Have fun tonight! Be safe.

Erin Marie Hogan said...

Yeah you know, I almost went to the oyster bar yesterday... or not.