Friday, February 16, 2007

Fact... or Friction?

There I was, driving down the lonely two lane road. The rain was poring down and you could here the crackle of thunder off in the distance. It was too much for me to be driving at night by myself in my Grandpa's Chevy, but I had my secret lover Klyne with me. Neither one of us was prepared for what was to happen next.
Out of the blue and faster than the speed of light, a black car with red trim came flying by from our left! It must have been going at least 120 mph! It hit a slope and flew through the air for what seemed like eternity. When I finally focused my vision I realized it was Grease Lightning! From the passenger window we could barely make out Rizzo holding a bottle of beer and cackling an evil laugh. The realization came too late. We collided with each other as if we were polar opposites attracted by a magnetic force we could not deny. Klyne shouted, "Frenchy! Stop! Its... its Grease Lighting!" My small Chevy had entered the losing side of an epic battle.
The two cars smashed into each other! We flew in one direction and Grease Lighting skidded to a stop after doing four 360 turns. When I finally looked up from the steering wheel, I saw Roger emerge from the drivers side hootin and hollerin. I slowly got out of the crushed can that used to be my family car and looked at Roger. He said, "Holy shit French did you see that! Rock N' Roll!" That's how the events of that fateful night went down. Don't ever let anyone tell you different.


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