Friday, February 2, 2007

How I got my nickname, Frenchy

Doody may not remember the first time we really met, but I do. It was during the summer of 1947. My mother and I had just moved back to the city a few years earlier. We had planned to go to the park with Marty and her mom. While our mom's were talking and Marty was off flirting with the older boys, I saw him. I had just come down the slide and he was standing at the edge of the sandbox. He looked so timid and nervous, but I new when I saw him he was the only boy for me. Seeing as how I have never really been a really shy person (and given the fact that I was only almost seven) I did the only thing I knew how. I walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. When he turned to look at me, I kissed him. I stuck my tongue into is mouth like I had seen in all the movies. It was just like a dream! My mother screamed, everybody laughed and Doody ran away. My mother said, "Come on Frenchy, let's go home." and it stuck. I wonder if Doody remembers???

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